Page 7 - Burlington Reports Newsletter - Fall/Winter 2019
P. 7

Burlington Reports
                     Paws and Claws Society, Inc., Thorofare, NJ
                     Issue 25, September 2019
                     Page 7

                                                       Partners in Prevention Not Destruction since 1993

         Answers to Quiz: Animal Fact or Myth? (Continued)

         (Continued from page 5)                stingers of other bees and, be-      sive, despite its sharp teeth.
                                                cause it has backward-facing         They mostly scavenge for
             untrue and was likely created      barbs, it gets lodged in the skin    fish, insects, and plants. In
             with the intention of keeping      and cannot be pulled out. In or-     1914, Theodore Roosevelt
             children from disturbing the       der for the honeybee to fly away     made a trip to Brazil where
             nests. That being said, it is      after a sting, it must mortally      he saw piranhas quickly eat
             important to note that bird's      injure itself to disconnect from     the meat off of a dead cow in
             nests, as well as any wild ani-    its stinger. This does not happen    a staged hoax for tourists in
             mals or birds, should not be       to other types of bees, however.     which captive fish were cruel-
             disturbed.                                                              ly starved for days.
                                            10. Warts are caused by a human
         6.  Ostriches lay their eggs in        virus that is not present on a    15. While a female praying man-
             large holes in the ground,         frog or a toad, however, frogs       tis may occasionally eat the
             and a few times a day, os-         and toads can come with their        male after mating, this is not
             trich parents can be seen          own non-wart-causing dangers,        normal behavior for the spe-
             checking on their eggs by          ranging from toxins in their skin    cies.
             sticking their heads into the      that can cause pain if they are   16. It is absolutely not true that
             holes, but that is the closest     touched, to neurotoxins that can     turkeys drown in the rain.
             they come to the myth of           potentially kill.
             burying their heads. They      11. A rattlesnake uses the rattles on   17. Bats are not blind. In fact,
             don’t bury their heads.                                                 some can see very well.
                                                its tail as a warning that they
         7.  Owls can turn their heads up       are there. Generally shy and      18. A camel's hump actually
             to 270 degrees, which, if at-      harmless if left alone, a rattle-    stores fat - enough that the
             tempted by a human would           snake will strike if it is startled or   camel can go for 3 weeks
             damage blood vessels in the        feels threatened, and they do        without eating.
             neck or block blood supply to      not always rattle before striking.
             the brain, but they are not    12. Changing color to blend into sur-  19. Crocodiles are actually fast on
                                                                                     land - probably faster than a
             capable of a 360-degree rota-      roundings sounds like a super-       human, in fact!
                                                hero ability and it would be very
         8.  A light touch to a butterfly's     cool if any animal or person      20. While cats are agile and able
             wing won't cause lasting           could do it, but alas, the reason    to readjust their position in
                                                                                     mid-air, they do not always
             damage, but butterfly wings        a chameleon changes color has        land on their feet. This is very
             are very delicate and contain      more to do with communicating        important to know - never
             veins which, if broken, can        its moods as well as with tem-
             cause the butterfly to die. It's   perature and light.                  drop a cat from a height and
             always best to resist touching   13. A turtle's shell is a living part of   don't let them get onto high
                                                                                     balconies where they could
             butterflies, but if your hand      its body and even has its own        possibly fall and get hurt!
             should accidentally brush
             gently against one, you don't      blood and nerve supply, which                  ~ ~ ~
                                                means a turtle can feel when its
             have to be worried that you        shell is touched. If the shell is
             have harmed it.                                                      See “For Fur-Ther Information”
                                                damaged, the turtle not only can   on page one to learn about links
         9.  This is sort of a trick-question   feel pain, but is also at risk of   on our web site,, for
             because of the way it is           potentially deadly infection.     additional reading on this and
             worded. All bees do not die    14. The piranha, a type of fish that   other topics mentioned in Bur-
             after stinging once, but hon-      lives in South American rivers    lington Reports!
             eybees do. A honeybee's            and lakes, is generally under-
             stinger is different from the
                                                stood to be shy and unaggres-
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