Page 6 - Burlington Reports Newsletter - Fall/Winter 2019
P. 6

Burlington Reports
                                                             Paws and Claws Society, Inc., Thorofare, NJ
                                                                                     Issue 25, September 2019
                                                                                                   Page 6

         Partners in Prevention Not Destruction since 1993

         Pet Humor (Continued)                                                    Burlington The Cat (Continued)

          (Continued from page 2)                                                keeping a clean and odor-free
                                              (Continued from page 4)
                                                                                 litterbox, demonstrations on how
             A: Because they always hit       believe that a cat can’t be        to teach cats tricks, advice on fun
             the paws button!                 trained,” Mom said to Mallory, “Or   and scratch-free playtime, and a
                                              that all cats are aloof and        helpful list of cat-facts.
          12. Q: What did the cat say         unfriendly, or that cats steal the   Mom and Mallory also teach
             when it was confused?            breath from a baby?”               people who are inexperienced
             A: “I’m purr-plexed!”            Breezy and I locked eyes when      with cats the difference in how to

          13. Q: How are a dog and a          we heard that last one, both of    introduce yourself to a cat vs a
             marine biologist alike?          our faces wearing confused         dog. We cats have a different way
                                                                                 of processing sensory input than
             A: One wags a tail and the                                          dogs and we can be overwhelmed
             other tags a whale!              “Steal the breath from a baby?”    if approached excitedly, loudly, or
                                              Breezy whispered, shuddering.
          14. Q: What do you call a cat       “How could that be possible, even   roughly. We need time to sniff
                                                                                 you and feel comfortable before
             that lives in an igloo?          if cats were that mean?”           we’re ready to be petted. We
             A: An eskimew!                   “Why would someone think that,     respond very well
                                              about cats and babies?” Mallory    to the technique
          15. Q: What did the                 asked, as if she’d heard Breezy.   Jackson Galaxy
             waiter say to the                                                   calls the “finger
             dog when he                      Mom shrugged. “They’ve heard it    nose”, so Mom
             brought her food?                or been told it was true, over the   and Mallory teach
                                              years, and they probably never
             A: Bone appetit!                 had a cat or had any experience    it as part of their
          16. Q: How do cats stop crimes?     to show them it isn’t true.”       program.
             Claw Enforcement!                Mom and Mallory structured their   Have you ever seen two cats walk
                                                                                 up to each other and touch
                                              program around addressing each
          17. Q: What did the hungry          of several common beliefs and      noses? That’s one of the ways we
             Dalmatian say after his          misconceptions that caused         say hello. Holding out your finger
             meal?                            people to resist the idea of having   to us and letting us touch our
                                                                                 nose to your fingertip works in
             A: “That hit the spots!"         a cat for a pet.                   the same way, and will often lead
          18. Q: Why was the cat so           Their program includes tips for    a cat to pet your hand with his or
             agitated?                                                                    her head!
             A: Because he was in a bad                                                   Mom often likes to quote
             mewd!                                                                        a favorite aunt of hers,
                                                                                          who once said, “I used to
          19. Q: What do you do if a dog                                                  think I didn’t
             chews your dictionary?                                                       like cats . . .
             A: Take the words right out                                                  until I met
             of his mouth!                                                                one.”

          20. Q: What do cats                Burlington is a fictional gray tabby cat who belongs to a family in the Northeast United
             have to do in the               States. “Mom” is Paige Turner, owner of a small book store. “Dad’s” real name has not
             morning?                        been mentioned to date. Their two children are Mallory and Matthew. The family also
                                                adopted a Chihuahua and named her Jersey. See our web site for other issues of
             A: Read the mews-                       Burlington Reports and to read the ongoing adventures and learning experiences
             paper!                                         of Burlington and his family!
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