Page 4 - Burlington Reports Newsletter - Fall/Winter 2019
P. 4

Burlington Reports
                                                             Paws and Claws Society, Inc., Thorofare, NJ
                                                                                     Issue 25, September 2019
                                                                                                   Page 4

         Partners in Prevention Not Destruction since 1993

                                                                               Burlington The Cat (Continued)

                     (Continued from page 2)   could climb, leading up to        retirement center.”
                                               shelves and cubby-hole boxes
             as Breezy, who also happens to    built onto the walls, so they     “Two jobs.” Jersey corrected
                                                                                 me, sitting up straight with a
             be my long-time girlfriend) from  could relax and observe not only   look of pride on her face. “I’m a
             a rescue group that does TNR.     everything that’s going on in     Reading Companion in the
             That stands for Trap-Neuter-      their room, but also in the café.”   library and a Fitness and Safety
             Release or Trap-Neuter-Return.
             They catch stray and feral cats   Dad and Matthew and Mallory all  Assistant in the gym.”
                                               agreed that sounded like a great
             by placing yummy food inside a    environment for introducing the   I nodded. “That’s right. And
             cage with a trap-door. Then       cats to their potential future    that’s a pretty full schedule.”
             they take the cats to be spayed   people.                           She agreed, but I heard her say
             or neutered and either find                                         softly, “Maybe I could work part-
             forever homes for them or, if     “People would have the option     time at the Grill & Pup.”
             they are too feral to be able to   of sitting in the café and
             live with humans, return them to  watching the cats through the     Mom worked out the details in
             the area where they were found.  glass wall, or taking their books   the following weeks and then
                                                                     into the    began construction, and in what
             Mom said, “Helen is working                             cat room  seemed like no time at all, the
             with someone else in the group                          to read     Cat-Fe was open for business!
             who wants to open a little                              while
             burger and sandwich shop                                curling     Breezy and I work there a few
             where people could meet the                             up with a   days a week, greeting
             dogs that are available for                             cat or      customers and preparing them
             adoption They want to name it                           two.”       to meet the cats who need
             the ‘Downtown Grill and Pup’.”                                      homes. Mom is sure to let the
                                               Mallory said, “Or they could play  customers know that Breezy
             “Cute.” Dad chuckled.
                                               with the cats and not read at     (aka Patches) and I are not up
             Mom went on to describe her       all!”                             for adoption, but that we will
             vision. “Imagine, instead of just   Mom nodded and smiled. “I’ll    happily introduce them to those
             tables and booths like most       see if Burlington would like to   who are.
             cafes, there would be some        spend some time at the café,”     Mom and Mallory created a
             tables in the café area, and then   she said.                       program to correct some
             the far wall of the café would be                                   common misconceptions and
             made entirely of glass. Through   I couldn’t help the purr that     myths about cats, which can be
             that wall of glass, you’d be able   began to rumble inside me. I do   especially important for people
             to see the area where the cats    like helping Mom at work, and I   who have never had a cat
             would be, with cozy little alcoves  enjoy meeting her customers.    before!
             with benches or oversized soft    Jersey piped up again. “What
             chairs. Maybe a window seat or    about me? Can I work there,       After reading about studies that
             two. Lots of fluffy pillows and   too?”                             were performed to determine
             super-soft lap blankets. And                                        the most common reasons
             sisal-covered poles that the cats  Of course, the family only heard  people gave for choosing not to
                                                       something like ,“Bark-    adopt a cat, Mom realized how
                                                       arf-yip”, but I answered  important it was to provide
                                                       Jersey on Mom’s           some myth-busting education.
                                                       behalf: “Remember,        “Do you know how many people
                                                       you already have your
                                                       job working at the                          (Continued on page 6)
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