Page 5 - Burlington Reports Newsletter - Fall/Winter 2019
P. 5

Burlington Reports
                     Paws and Claws Society, Inc., Thorofare, NJ
                     Issue 25, September 2019
                     Page 5

                                                       Partners in Prevention Not Destruction since 1993

         Word Search Puzzle                                                              Answers to Quiz:

        How many of the popular dog breeds below can you find in this puzzle? (Go to   Animal Fact or Myth?
        our web site,, to see the completed version of this puzzle or to solve
        the puzzle online.)                                                        Surprise! The answer to all 20
                                                                                   quiz questions is:

                                                                                   According to lists on and
                                                                          (see links on our web
                                                                                   site), the truth is:
                                                                                   1.  While captive wolves do seem
                                                                                       to have an alpha in every
                                                                                       pack, this is not true for wild
                                                                                       wolf packs .

                                                                                   2.  It isn’t the color that makes
                                                                                       bulls charge; it’s the move-
                                                                                       ment. In fact, bulls (and all
                                                                                       cattle) are color-blind to red
                                                                                       and green.

                                                                                   3.  Bears actually go into a state
                                                                                       called “torpor”, which is
                                                                                       similar to, but is not actually,
                                                                                       hibernation. See links on our
                                                                                       web site to learn more about
                                                                                   4.  A Disney nature documentary
                                                                                       from the 1950's called "White
                                                                                       Wilderness" appears to be the
                                                                                       reason many people still today
         Word List:                                                                    believe that lemmings throw
                                                                                       themselves off of cliffs. In re-
         1. ALASKAN HUSKY        11. DALMATIAN          21. PIT BULL                   ality, the filmmakers were un-
                                                                                       able to capture this behavior
         2. BASSET HOUND         12. DOBERMAN           22. POMERANIAN
                                                                                       on camera, so they threw the
         3. BEAGLE               13. GERMAN SHEPHERD    23. POODLE                     lemmings off of the cliff to
                                                                                       make it appear as if the myth
         4. BICHON FRISE         14. GREAT DANE         24. PUG
                                                                                       were true. While a lemming
         5. BLOOD HOUND          15. GREYHOUND          25. ROTTWEILER                 may occasionally fall off of a
                                                                                       rock or cliff and drown, they
         6. BOXER                16. IRISH SETTER       26. SCHNAUZER
                                                                                       do not do it on purpose or en
         7. BULLDOG              17. JACK RUSSELL       27. SHEEPDOG                   masse.

         8. CHIHUAHUA            18. LABRADOR           28. SHIH TZU               5.  The belief that a mother bird
                                                                                       will abandon her young if they
         9. COLLIE               19. MALTESE            29. WEIMARANER
                                                                                       carry the scent of a human is
         10. DACHSHUND           20. PAPILLON           30. WHIPPET                                   (Continued on page 7)
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