Page 2 - Burlington Reports Newsletter - Fall/Winter 2019
P. 2

Burlington Reports
                                                             Paws and Claws Society, Inc., Thorofare, NJ
                                                                                     Issue 25, September 2019
                                                                                                   Page 2

         Partners in Prevention Not Destruction since 1993

         Pet Humor                                                Burlington The Cat And The Cat-Fe
         Pet Humor
         Some cat and dog Riddles to tickle your
         funny bone:                                        Hello, Burlington     Dad looked confused. “Cat-Fe?”
                                                            here. Or should I
         1.  Q: Why are dogs like phones?                   say, “Garçon here”?   Mom nodded so fast it made her
                                                                                  ponytail bounce. “I was reading
             A: Because they have collar                    No; you’re right. A   about several coffee-houses and
             IDs!                                           garçon is a waiter    cafes across the country that are
                                                            in a French
         2.  Q: What is a cat’s favorite                    restaurant or hotel,   run in cooperation with animal
                                                                                  shelters. People go there to get a
             movie?                          and Mom’s café is not French.        cup of coffee or a snack, and they
             A: “The Sound of Mewsic!”       Also, I’m not a waiter. And Health   get to interact with some of the
                                             Department rules don’t allow me      cats and dogs that are available
         3.  Q: Why do dogs run in circles?    to be near the food.               for adoption.”
             A: Because it's hard to run in
             squares!                        But I’m getting ahead of myself      “Ah,” Mallory said, smiling, “that
                                             again. Allow me to start from the    sounds fun!”
         4.  Q: How do you know a cat is     beginning.                           Mom
             agitated?                       Guess what! Mom opened a café!       shrugged.
             A: He’s having a hissy fit!                                          “Well, we
                                             It all started this spring, when the
         5.  Q: Why did the                  opportunity arose for her to rent    already
                                                                                  know that
             snowman name                    the unit next door to the book       lots of
             his dog "Frost"?                store.                               people like
             A: Because "Frost" bites!       “What will you do?” Dad had          to drink
                                             asked her when she brought it up     coffee or
         6.  Q: What’s a cat’s favorite      for discussion over dinner the       tea while they read, and lots of
             magazine?                       night she found out the unit was     people like to read with a cat
             A: Good Mousekeeping!           available. “Are you going to         nearby, so why not offer all of
                                             expand the store?”                   those things in one place?”
         7.  Q: Which dog breed absolutely
             LOVES living in the city?       “I want to knock out part of the     Matthew looked up over his glass
             A: A New Yorkie!                wall to create an archway and put    of milk. “Will it just be cats?”
                                             in a café that will be an extension   “Yeah,” Jersey muttered from her
         8.  Q: What’s a cat’s               of the book store.”                  spot beside me on the floor,
             favorite color?                 She grinned before adding, “Guess  “What about dogs?”
             A: Purr-ple!                    what I’ll call it.”
                                                                                  Mom nodded to Matthew. “I’m
         9.  Q: Why aren't dogs              “Books and coffee?” Matthew          going to focus on cats at this
             good                            suggested.                           café,” she explained, “because
             dancers?                        “Nourish Your Brain and Body?”       Helen is coordinating with the
                                                                                  TNR program at the rescue group
             A: Because they have two left   was Mallory’s guess.                 to bring some of their cats to the
             feet!                           Finally, Mom told them: “Paige       café to meet the people who
                                             Turner’s Books and Cat-Fe!”          could potentially adopt them.”
         10. Q: Why was the cat afraid of
             the tree?                                                            You may remember that Mom’s
             A: Because of its bark!                                              friend, Helen, adopted her cat,
                                                                                  Patches (previously known to me
         11. Q: Why can't dogs work the TV
             remote?                                                                                  (Continued on page 4)
                            (Continued on page 6)
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