Page 1 - Burlington Reports Newsletter - Fall/Winter 2019
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Burlington Reports

                     Paws and Claws Society, Inc., Thorofare, NJ

                      Issue 25, September 2019
                                                       Partners in Prevention Not Destruction since 1993

        For Fur-ther Information . . .                                 Quiz: Animal Fact or Myth?

        You can find more information on our web site at!    Test your knowledge! Do you know which of
                                                                        the following widely-believed statements are
                                                                        true and which are myths? Here goes . . .

                                               Find out What’s New by
                                              following links on our home    There's an 'alpha' wolf in every wolf pack.
                                              page or clicking “News”.
                                                                         Bulls charge when they see
                                               Read other issues of
                                              Burlington Reports by clicking   the color red.
                                              “Newsletter”, or join our email    Bears hibernate in winter.
                                              list to be notified when new
                                              issues are ready for viewing.    Lemmings commit mass suicide.
                                              Click the link for any issue of
                                              the newsletter to comment on    Touching a baby bird makes it unlovable to
                                              that issue’s content. Start or   its mom.
                                              join a discussion! Hover over
                                              “Newsletter” on our naviga-   Ostriches bury their heads in the
                                              tion menu to find “Links for   sand.
                                              Further Reading” for more
                                              information on topics men-   Owls can do a 360-degree head spin.
                                              tioned in Burlington Reports,
                                              or click “Share with Squirt” to    Butterflies die if you touch their wings.
                                              share a question or story in
                                              our Squirty’s Words column.    All bees only sting once and then they die.
         Hover over “Furry Angels” to learn about pets currently available for adoption,    You get warts from touching toads and
          read about pets who have found their Forever Homes, read or submit to the   frogs.
          Funny Pages, read “Letters From The Heart”, download forms, and more.
                                                                         Rattlesnakes always rattle before striking.
         Read about Paws and Claws Society’s programs or see “Gems of Wisdom and
          Pearls of Knowledge: Humane Messages” at “Compassion Central”.    Chameleons change color to
                                                                           blend into their surroundings.
         Find statistics and No-Kill information on “Tips From The Trenches”.
                                                                         Turtles don't feel pain through
         Read articles about pet care (and even use the age calculator to find out your   their shells.
          pet’s age in human years) at Caretakers’ Corner”.
                                                                         Piranhas can devour a human being in
         Look for “Share” buttons throughout our site to share content via Twitter,
          Facebook, email, and other services.                             seconds.
                                                                         The female praying mantis eats the male
                                                                           after procreation.

                                                                         Turkeys drown in the rain.
         In This Issue:
                                                                         Bats are blind.
         Quiz: Animal Fact or Myth? (Answers on pages 5 & 7)         1
                                                                         Camels store water in their
         Pet Humor: Some Cat and Dog Riddles to Tickle Your Funny Bone    2   humps.
         Burlington the Cat and the Cat-Fe                    2          Crocodiles are slow on land.
         Squirty’s Words: Extra Teeth, Holistic Vets           3         Cats always land on their feet.

         Word Search: 30 Popular Dog Breeds                   5
                                                                                         (See pages 5 and 7 for answers.)
         Be Sure to Read Labels! Before Sharing With Pets!          8
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