Dear Jean,
Once again, I am so incredibly grateful for your generosity. I cannot thank you enough for the grant of $14,000. It enables us to do so much.
As you know, when we started, mass killing in shelters was the norm. Today, some 50,000,000 people live in communities saving at least 80% of the animals, over 10,000,000 people live in communities where the municipal shelter is saving at least 90% of dogs and cats in their shelters; and, nearly 2,000,000 people live in communities where the municipal shelter is saving at least 98% of the animals, returning “euthanasia” to its dictionary definition of ending the lives of irremediably suffering animals for reasons of mercy. We now have No Kill communities across the country and they all achieved it using our approach. For the animals who live in those cities and towns and for the people who love them, we are making a life and death difference.
As always, with your help, not only will we save lives; but we will create a future where every animal will be respected and cherished, and where every individual life will be protected and revered.
Very truly yours,
Nathan J. Winograd