Dear Jean,
Can you hear the purrs from Thorofare?
I hope so – because you are brinqing our cats a whole lot of happiness. Thank you for lavishing kindness on cats in hopeless situations with your extremely generous Circle of Compassion grant of $15,000 to Tabby’s Place: a Cat Sanctuary. With gratitude and joy, we will apply your generous gift towards the rescue of a future Special Needs cat who desperately needs Tabby’s Place’s loving care.
Words cannot fully express my gratitude for the life-saving love you are making possible for a very special feline. It will be our pleasure to identify the Paws and Claws Society as our funding partner in all publicity generated by the rescue of the Special Needs cat your grant will help.
Like the Paws and Claws Society, Tabby’s Place has a deep devotion to thoe cats in the most desperate need – like baby Dot. The tiny tabby came to Tabby’s Place from Virginia, where she was born to a feral mama cat. Her rescuers quickly realized that Dot wasn’t like the other kittens. Unable to move her back legs, Dottie was diagnosed with spina bifida She would need a one-of-a-kind sanctuary, and extra special care.
Tabby’s Place was able to embrace little Dot with open arms, and we’re delighted to give her all the medical care she needs – plus all the kisses and cuddles she craves. Dot’s medical needs aren’t all that make her special. With her queen-size courage and boundless sense of fun, Dot is thriving at Tabby’s Place. It takes a unique haven to care for a kitten like Dot – and it takes beautiful hearts like yours to celebrate the value of her life. It’s no surprise that Dot’s best feline friend is the amazing cat who the Paws and Claws Society enabled Tabby’s Place to rescue in 2012: little D’Artagnan! I eagerly look forward to meeting and rescuing the future Tabby’s Place cat whose life the Paws and Claws Society will be saving through your generous grant.
Thank you tor making it possible for us to nurture cats like Dot, D’Art and all of our kitties. We are all (furry and otherwise) truly blessed to have you in the Tabby’s Place family.
Angela Townsend
Development Director
Handwritten note: Jean, Thank you for your truly spectacular compassion & generosity to our cats.

PACS receives many heartfelt thank-you notes from pet owners and like-minded animal organizations. See more letters and notes here.