Zowie Heard The Voice of Her Guardian Angel

They don’t come much sweeter than Zowie, who is one of a litter of five precious babies taken to a local vet to be euthanized. As she sat in the back of a large trap with her brothers and sisters – scared and shaking – she had no idea that the voice she heard would be the one that saved her life. It was that of the office manager calling an animal rescue volunteer – who stepped in just minutes before they would have all been killed. Her bio said, “Zowie has adjusted nicely to living indoors. She was very scared and shy at first, as she had never been handled by anyone. Food seems to do the trick as it was scarce when she was living on her own outdoors. She now plays with her mice and loves the comfort of her own little bed. She loves being scratched on her back and is becoming more comfortable with being picked up. She does get along with other cats.” Thanks to that phone call, Zowie went on to find her forever home.


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