64 cats and dogs killed every day of the year in New Jersey!

The good news is that the total number of cats and dogs euthanized in NJ per day in 2013 is down from previous years.

The bad news is that 64 cats and dogs were killed every day in 2013 in New Jersey! Of the 23,490 cats and dogs killed in 2013, 4509 were dogs and 18,981 were cats, which means that cats are killed at a rate of more than 4 times that of dogs!

2013’s daily average of 64 cats and dogs put to death in New Jersey shelters has decreased from 73 in 2012, 85 in 2011,  88 in 2010, and 96 in 2009.

Of the total number of cats and dogs impounded in 2013 (82,902), 45.29% were adopted and 28.33% were euthanized. In 2012, 44.07% were adopted and 30.14% euthanized, while in 2011, 41.37% were  adopted and 34.66% euthanized and in 2010, 40.82% were adopted and 34.23% euthanized. This is progress, yet we are still far from our goal.

You have to know where you have been and where you are now in order to know where you need to go.

Below are the 1984-2013 New Jersey animal statistics, by state, and the 2013 New Jersey statistics by county. 23,490 cats and dogs were reported killed in New Jersey animal shelters during 2013; that is an average of 64 each day of the year.

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See statistics from other years.




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